Our Service Offerings

Management Skills Development Programmes

We have over 100 learning interventions with content that is customizable to your organization’s learning needs. Offerings include strategic management retreats, prototyping solutions for your business needs, and enhancing cohesiveness between different departments.

Business Acumen

  • Understand the financial side of business: Finance for the Finance
  • Developing Business Acumen

Strategic Thinking

  • Scenario Planning and Preparing for Crisis
  • Strategy Mapping
  • Balanced Scorecard
  • Strategy Execution Framework and Process
  • Organization Alignment

Leadership Skills 

  • Building High Performing Teams
  • Application of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Life Skills

  • Problem Solving
  • Effective Communications
  • Positive Psychology

Talent Assessment

  • Organizational success is largely driven by the acquisition of the best talent available
  • To support this process, we work closely with our partners to either hire new employees, evaluate current employees for different roles, identify employees with high leadership potential, compare talents within an organization against industry or geographical benchmarks, understand talent strengths and gaps, and develop employees’ long-term value
  • Assessments are done via a 360-survey and self- assessment to match employee’s current performance and challenges, with strategic direction of the company or support department
  • Assessment outputs include:
    – Analyses and report
    – Report debrief
    – Personal Transformation Plan support development

Performance Coaching

  • Performance coaching raises performance in individuals, teams and organizations
  • We offer individual executive coaching (1:1) and Coaching for Performance training for people in organizations to help fulfil their potential
  • As individuals flourish, company performance improves. Performance coaching enables sustainable improvement and growth because it engages hearts as well as minds
  • Our flagship programme, Coaching for Performance, is designed to equip leaders and coaches with skills to create high- performance, purpose-led cultures
  • Our Global Coaching team consists of team of coaches, facilitators and ex-CEOs who are all passionate about making a positive difference through coaching and transformation. The team spans all continents, with cross-industry experiences and levels of seniority, and multi-lingual delivery capability
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